
英语打卡 ‖ 徜徉于音乐的世界

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Music is soothing, powerful, intriguing, heart-touching, heart-warming...

In terms of its quality, you name it〔应有尽有〕.

However, there is a quality that comes before all of them —— good music must be in tune

In fact, being in tune is a precondition〔前提条件〕 or the bottom line〔底线〕of all these mentioned better qualities to succeed, right? 

I enjoy listening to a wide range of music as long as they are to my liking〔合我口味〕. I guess we all do, aren't we?

Apart from being a listener of good music, I also dream of becoming a player of music. 

I always think simply being a music listener isn't enough, and it's gonna be a regrettable thing if I don't know how to handle something about it, or at least should know how to handle one of the musical instruments.  

Haha...so I picked up guitar long time ago...... 

But tonight we're not going to talk this guitar thing coz it's a long story. Let's take a rain check on〔下次吧〕it, alright? 

Now we'll get down to business〔着手处理正事〕

Yeah, the phrase we're going to nail〔搞定〕 tonight is ———

in tune / out of tune

in/out of tune: to be/not be singing or playing the correct musical notes to sound pleasant 合调/走调

Example: She loves going to the karaoke bar to enjoy herself though she's not such a good singer, coz she often sings out of tune. She just loves the relaxed vibes there. 她很喜欢去KTV唱歌,尽管她并不是一个会唱歌的人,因为她经常唱歌跑调。她就是喜欢那里的轻松氛围

 Have you been able to nail it? I guess you can!Hooray!

Try to make your own sentence to check it out!

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