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1. For a song

意思: Buying or selling something at a very cheap price. 以非常低的价格买/卖某物

举例. Wow, I can't believe they let so many things at their yard sale go for a song.

2. Set something to music

意思: To write a piece of music to accompany a set of words 给歌词作曲

举例. The musician set my lyrics to music.

3. Music to one’s ears

意思: To hear exactly what you want to hear. 听你想听的

举例. When Michelle heard that her son and daughter-in-law were going to have a baby, it was music to her ears.

4. Elevator music

意思: Pleasant but boring recorded music that is played in public places. 公共场所播放的愉悦但是非常无聊的音乐

举例. This elevator music is putting me to sleep, so let's go walk around the mall again.

5. Chin music

意思: Meaningless talk 没有实质意义的说话

举例. Can you guys please be quiet? Your chin music is distracting me from my work.

6. Face the music

意思: Dealing with consequences of one’s actions 承担后果

举例. I told you not to try to sneak in, and now that you've been caught, you're just going to have to face the music.

7. Change your tune

意思: When someone changes their opinion or their idea of something particular 当某人改变了他的观看或想法

举例.  The mention of a hefty tip really changed the host's tune, so I think he'll be able to find us a table after all.

8. Play it by ear

意思: To play a piece of music without referencingsheet music or a recording 即兴创作

举例. Just because Tom can play by ear doesn't mean he's a great song writer.

9. Ring a bell

意思: When something seems familiar 觉得某人很熟悉

举例. Your description rings a bell, but I don't think I've ever been there myself.

10. Jam session

意思: Playing improvised music in an informal setting 即兴演奏

举例. Andy and Nick had a jam session last night and kept all the neighbors awake.

11. Blow your own trumpet

意思: Proudly boasting about your own talents and successes 自豪地鼓吹自己的才能

举例. I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but this pasta sauce I made is quite delicious!

12. Call the tune

意思: Making important decisions and controlling a situation. 做重要的决定或者是控制场面

举例. My staff has to do what I say because I'm the boss, and I call the tune here!

13. Blow the whistle

意思: Reporting an illegal or unacceptable activity to the authorities 打报告

举例. If you keep coming in late, I'm going to have to blow the whistle and report you to the department head.


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